Second-Screen Viewing & the Super Bowl
Current estimates are that nearly 100 million viewers tuned in to watch Seattle’s 43-8 win against Denver last night. Of course, there’ll be many reports that dissect the ways we…
2014 Trends in Online Journalism
At Chartbeat, we have the great privilege of working with thousands of the world’s online publishers, giving us access to one of the most interesting data sets ever. (Ever!) So,…
Guest Post: Categorizing Your Site
Hannah Keiler was our Fall 2013 Data Science intern here at Chartbeat, working with Chief Data Scientist Josh Schwartz. Hannah is a senior at Columbia University, where she studies Statistics…
Understanding Your Traffic Sources, Part 5: Conclusion
For the final installment of our series on Understanding Your Traffic Sources, I wanted to go over some best practices for managing referral traffic and identify a few places where…
Understanding Your Traffic Sources, Part 4: External Traffic
This marks the fourth part in our ongoing series on traffic sources. If you haven’t already read them, check out the introduction and my analyses of direct traffic and traffic…
Understanding Your Traffic Sources, Part 3: Social Traffic
This post is part three in our ongoing series on traffic sources. In part one, I talked about how we classify traffic and introduced some basic metrics for understanding the…
Understanding Your Traffic Sources, Part 2: Direct Traffic
This post marks the second entry in our series on Understanding your Traffic Sources. Today, we’ll be talking through what’s probably the most mismeasured segment of your audience: direct traffic.…
Chartbeat Report: Understanding Your Social and Homepage Audience
We partnered with Sarah Marshall at Journalism.co.uk on a study about homepage and social audience behaviors. Over a month-long period our data scientist Josh Schwartz analyzing traffic of over 60 billion page…
Understanding Your Traffic Sources, Part 1: an Introduction
It goes without saying that thoroughly understanding how traffic arrives at your site is critical for audience development efforts – certain traffic sources are ideal for reaching new readers, others may…
Scroll behavior across the web
You might’ve come across our graphic on Engaged Time below the fold at some point in the last few months in AdAge, Buzzfeed, or on the blog. That figure’s message is simple: even…
How Engaged Time Affects Brand Recall
Last week, Chartbeat launched a new product, Chartbeat Publishing for Ad Sales. If you haven’t read Alex’s wonderful write-up of the inspiration and genesis of the product, you really ought…
Webinar: Using Quality Content to Engage Visitors and Build Your Loyal Audience
Josh Schwartz is one of our awesome resident Data Scientists at Chartbeat. He focuses on using machine learning to find human-readable insights from quantitative data. Much of his current research…