• Celebrating your Chartbeat triumphs

    One of the most exciting things about having chartbeat running on your site is that moment when your traffic goes nuts and you can watch it unfold on your dashboard.…

  • Coasting Past 4 Million!

    We first hit 4 million active visitors across all chartbeat sites over a month ago, but now we can confidently say it isn’t a one time thing. 4 million and cruising!! Thanks to…

  • Post-mortem of today’s DNS outage

    For those who might not have been following or affected, chartbeat just suffered, and is recovering from, a major DNS failure that affected our users’ dashboards. I wanted to give…

  • Recovery Update

    Update: 1:17 PM We have completed our DNS migration to Dynect (http://dyn.com/enterprise-dns/dynect-platform). They are the industrial strength DNS service powering Twitter and bit.ly, and have been incredibly responsive. We’d also…

  • Service Interruption Update

    Last evening, we began to see domain name resolution issues with our DNS provider. As a result, a subset of chartbeat customers are resolving to an invalid IP address for…

  • When Mubarak met the Internet

    We watched in awe as Al Jazeera helped to topple a dictator in Egypt. Chartbeat was behind the scenes powering the analytics and dealing with the flood as millions came…

  • Breaking 3,000,000 and the Mubarak Effect

    It feels like less than a month ago we were celebrating crossing 2 million concurrent visitors on chartbeat sites; that’s because it was! It took us 16 months to get…

  • Breaking 2 million!

    After chartbeat launched in April 2009 it took us 16 months to get to the point where we were recording the digital heartbeat of more than one million people at…

  • Chartbeat raises $3m from Index Ventures and more!

    5 guys, More than 1.2 million concurrent visitors being tracked right now, More than 2,500 paying customers, And three million dollars from the best investors on the planet… We’re incredibly…

  • Breaking one million

    There’s been some celebrations around chartbeat today as we can now say that at any one moment during the day we are listening to the pulse of more than one…

  • Announcing two new historical APIs

    Although chartbeat has always emphasized the value of real-time data, we know that past performance is really important for understanding what today’s numbers mean. It’s why we brought historical data…

  • Tracking the iPad announcement with Chartbeat

    The Apple iPad announcement was not just a big day for Apple, it was a huge day for the gadget blogs. Chartbeat is under the hood of a number of…