Shot for Shot at Internet Week
At 5pm yesterday I was still recovering – yup, from the night before. That slightly dehydrated feeling, the craving for left over snacks in the fridge, and the sweet scent…
“What I’ve Learned by Leading a Startup”: Tony Haile in FastCo
Chartbeat CEO and sometimes polar explorer Tony Haile is featured in Fast Company today for four lessons he’s learned over four years at the helm of Chartbeat. “What I Learned…
The First Word: Chartbeat Publishing for Ad Sales
It’s been a just over 24 hours since we introduced Chartbeat Publishing for Ad Sales, and we’re incredibly pumped by people’s reactions so far. Your tweets of support and enthusiasm have…
Alley Watch Interviews Chartbeat about Made in NY™
Our CEO Tony Haile had the pleasure of sharing his thoughts with Alley Watch about Made in NY™ this morning. Made in NY™ is a favorite initiative at Chartbeat since we love all things digital,…
Tony Haile, Live at The Guardian’s Changing Media Summit
A few Chartteam members are in London this week for The Guardian’s Changing Media Summit. We’re having a blast seeing old friends and meeting new folks as they stop by…
We’re in Ad Age: Chartbeat Brings Engaged Time to Advertising
Chartbeat is kicking off this Monday morning with an AdAge piece on our new advertising product, which is currently in beta. After many long hours in the Chartbeat lab –…
Next Week, We Invade Berlin and London. Watch Out.
I just booked my flights and am preparing to leave chilly NYC for….chilly Europe. All to spend some quality time with our favorite clients across the pond, and to share…
Measuring Content’s Value and the Futility of Counting Clicks
We’ve known for a long time that page views are a pain in the ass and tell you far from the whole story. So it’s encouraging to find more and more comrades out there…
Longform in a Shortform World: Social Media Week NYC
What did I do Friday afternoon? Well, I’ll tell you I spent it having some seriously nerdy fun, my friend because I went to an amazing social media talk in…
“How do we reunite the idea of quality and being a great business?”
Ahead of our fearless CEO Tony Haile’s talk at the Guardian Changing Media Summit, he gave some time to discuss the state of the real-time industry and the ways Chartbeat…
More than Just Link Sharing: Social Media Week NYC
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending Other Ways of Being Social Around the News, a Social Media Week event hosted by our friends at The Guardian. The awesomely…
The New York Times on Social News: Social Media Week NYC
Social News according to The New York Times On Tuesday afternoon I attended Social News, a Social Media Week NYC session hosted by The New York Times on their readers’ behavior,…