New Feature: Faster User Management and Secure Permissioning
If there’s anything we’ve learned over the last decade, it’s that no two publishers are the same. Different sizes, different geographic reach, different internal structures and ways of working. We’re…
Capitalizing on readership during major news events
What do reader trends during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and Brexit vote tell us about how audiences tend to consume content during major breaking news events? While search, direct,…
Learn from previous coverage to help plan future stories
In the wake of covering major events — like the G8 Summit, Fashion Week, or the World Cup — it’s good to look back and evaluate the performance of your…
It’s all just History Repeating: Announcing the revamped Historical Dashboard
This week marks the wide release of our Historical Dashboard, a major collaborative effort between our own product, engineering, and data science teams — and you, our users. From user…
Using Chartbeat to keep up with your mobile audience
For maybe the first time, mobile direct-to-site traffic has eclipsed traffic from Facebook – across all devices, highlighting a growing need: understanding the unique aspects of this audience and the true…
Now on Android: Your data, when you want it
Chartbeat users — editors, reporters, analysts, writers, product managers, and more — are a fascinatingly diverse bunch. They hold diverse roles, and have varying experiences and workflows. They use a…
246 toothpicks … and counting
Next week, things will look a little different when our users log into Chartbeat. We’re adding two new features to the Real-Time Dashboard: a configurable redesign of Top Pages, and…
Defining your unique benchmarks for measuring content, success
Stories garner traffic at different paces depending on whether they are breaking news or features, old or new, national or local, and the list goes on. With such differences, how…
Create a culture of newsroom experimentation
Reader behavior patterns have changed dramatically over the past few years. Readers used to be addicted to things like newspapers, but now they’re addicted to something else — instant insights,…
Reporting live! Meet our new suite.
While poring over a report or spreadsheet, have you ever wished that the useful historical insights within could be magically pinpointed for you? You wouldn’t need to sift through piles…
Q&A: The Data Science and Design Behind Our New Look
Chartbeat’s Design Director and Product/Data Chief discuss the work behind our new user experience. Interviewed by Nalini Edwin and Jill Nicholson. To start — Renee, could you walk us through…
The Historical Habit: When and How to Use your Historical Data
In this ongoing series, I’ll walk you through tips and tricks for using Chartbeat editorial analytics tools and data to its full advantage — by helping you connect that data…