The EU cookie directive and chartbeat
We’ve had a few of our European clients ask about the new EU cookie directive and how this affects their site’s use of chartbeat or newsbeat. The EU law, which requires…
Newsbeat: Introducing Spike Alerts
One of the biggest values of a real-time data product is its ability to highlight unusual activity on your site – activity that directly translates into actionable information. However, in…
Tools for sharing your data with the world
Displaying data about your site, on your site, has become part of the standard user experience – from the number of Facebook and Twitter shares to the total page views…
Newsbeat, The Command Center For The New Newsroom, Opens Up To Public Beta
Today, we’re proud to announce the beta release of newsbeat, the first real-time analytics service designed exclusively for publishers. We’ve spent the last six months working with publishers from The…
Better Know a Chartbeat – Engagement Module
In the first installment of our “Better Know a Chartbeat*” series, I’d like to take a look at one of the powerful modules that is unique to chartbeat, the “Engagement…
See chartbeat data overlaid on your site
Today we’re happy to unveil the latest gadget on chartbeat labs: Chartbeat for Google Chrome. It’s a Google Chrome extension that allows you overlay chartbeat data directly on your page,…
Hey Publishers, Chartbeat is getting personal!
We’re proud to announce that the alpha release of Newsbeat, the first analytics service built entirely for Publishers. Newsbeat is real-time analytics purely focused on what’s important for those people…
chartbeat Labs code
We recently introduced chartbeat Labs, and have gotten a lot of positive feedback on the Big Board. Keep the feedback coming! We will also be adding plenty more experiments over…
The four design decisions behind chartbeat’s v2
The chartbeat dashboard recently underwent its first major revision since launching a year ago. In this post, betaworks’ User Experience lead Neil Wehrle will share some of the process and…
Chartbeat v2 is here!
We’re excited to release our Beta version of chartbeat v2. We’ve spent the last few months talking to many of you about what you want from chartbeat and we’ve tried…
Chartbeat’s real-time analytics come to the iphone and more!
You’re away from your computer when you get an alert on your phone that traffic has spiked to an all-time high. Was it random good fortune or did something happen,…
New alert log and improved replay function
Chartbeat analytics now shows you an alert log of all the unusual events that triggered an alert, be it a traffic alert, uptime or slow page load time. You can…